

4 bedroom pied a terre

4 bedroom pied a terre


Oil trader buying London pied a terre



Our British clients, in the midst of a major renovation of their country home, were seeking a London pied-à-terre in excellent condition to avoid additional work.

They had been searching themselves for 6 months, and had found it challenging, including a frustrating instance of being gazumped on one property on the day of exchange. Recognising the need for expert representation, their wealth manager recommended us.

We began by showing them a range of architectural styles and property types, educating them on the various price points to ensure they were fully informed of their options. Through this process, we pinpointed specific streets that would provide the internal and external space their family needed.

Aware of an immaculate turnkey house soon to hit the market, we closely monitored its availability and arranged for our client to visit on the very first day of viewings. Thanks to the thorough process we had taken them through, they felt confident enough to place an offer after just one viewing.

The house attracted significant interest, including multiple bids from other buying agents. However, the selling agent was familiar with our track record through previous transactions and trusted our representation of our chain-free, cash-ready buyer. We were therefore able to secure the property and avoid sealed bids, ultimately saving our client from paying a higher price.


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3 bedroom house